EVAN Toolbox (ET) Training Day

Form and shape analysis for complex geometries

20.09.2012 10:00 AM to 20.09.2012 6:00 PM

EVAN workshop in Bordeaux foto

CNRS – Délégation Régionale Aquitaine-Limousin, Room No. 001, Esplanade des Arts-et-Métiers (Tramway Station), F-33402 – TALENCE cedex, France

Organised by:

(the arrival day of the 2nd ESHE Meeting)

EVAN-Society (www.evan-society.org) and the Université Bordeaux I (www.pacea.u-bordeaux1.fr/)


  • Gerhard Weber (Chairman EVAN-Society)
  • Anne Delagnes (Université Bordeaux)
  • Bruno Maureille (Université Bordeaux)